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808 Edmonton Trail NE
Calgary, AB, T2E 3J6


Skin Care Information

Thank you for your interest in my natural and organic skin care line of Hydrosols, Face Serums, Moisturizers and Cleansers.  As much as possible, the products are formulated from natural botanical ingredients, many from organic farming.  The line is based on the organic chemistry of pure essential oils, hydrolates, precious carriers and botanical extracts, something that I have always had a passion and interest.

Many advances have been made in the last few years in botanical skin care, providing a healthy and supportive alternative to the skin and body from chemical based formulations with amazing results. 

Please enjoy reading about our product line. Over the next few weeks I will be adding to the line, our re-formulated moisturizer.  A skin brightener and pomegranate skin hydrator will be available. 


We have in stock 3 Fresh Vats of Hydrosols which are all amazing, Sandalwood, Rose and Lavender. 


Here is a quick overview of the chemistry Hydrosols and benefits:

True Hydrosols are a byproduct of the steam distillation process used to make essential oils. Hydrosols are made up of water and the heavy water soluble molecules that fall into the bottom of the vat that could not be captured or present in the essential oils when distilled.

The main chemical components are the water loving plant acids and essences.  These are also the components which are most beneficial to your skin which likes an acid ph on its surface.  Most bacteria do not like living in an acid environment so hydrosols are especially good for skin related uses.

Hydrosols are a unique product, a true part of distillation and cannot be manufactured synthetically. They are perfect acid balance in the range of 5.5 to match human skin. Some of the everyday benefits of Hydrosols are they tone, hydrate and reduce pore size. They are the perfect treat for the skin after cleansing with tap water to reset the PH balance of the skin.