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808 Edmonton Trail NE
Calgary, AB, T2E 3J6


Tourmaline, Green


Have you ever wondered what an Emerald or a Rose Quartz would smell like?  Discover the Sacred Alchemy of the Gemstones!

Tourmaline, Green


Tourmaline, Green

from CA$47.00

Tourmaline, Green  (YANG ENERGY)

(Compassion, Joy, Harmonizing, Deep calmness, Balancing, Feeling of completeness)

 This lovely Gemstone Oil resonates with the Heart Chakra and is part of masculine yang energy.  

 Green is the longest wavelength of all colours and the most common colour upon the Earth.  Green Tourmaline is very Earth connecting and stimulates happiness and joy for life and compassion, particularly towards the self. Many times people are very compassionate and have mercy of other people but they are very critical and judgmental of themselves. Green tourmaline is to have compassion for the self and a gift that allows the heart to make the connection to the earth. It has a strong healing capacity.

Green Tourmaline strengthens the nervous system and will help those that struggle with chronic fatigue and exhaustion.  To be used in the early stages of fatigue to prevent your self from getting so dragged out. 

  A joyful wholeness is obtained by combining Green Tourmaline with Emerald, Pink Tourmaline or Rose Quartz (you are adding in the feminine to the masculine to create a balancing and the strengthening of the whole of the person that is using it.




808 Edmonton Tr. NE, Calgary, AB.


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